Thank you!

We just wanted  to say a big thank you to everyone who supported our Ice Cream Social and Concert Benefit. We also wanted to thank folks who donated items for our silent auction, there was a lovely range of items! Everyone who participated was so generous! We raised over $750 to support St. William’s and its programs In addition to providing a great concert, Wide Variety donated all the proceeds from their CD sales too.  See more about this group on their website.    

Thank you!

We are so glad you became a summer sponsor.  Please remember to send us any additional information we may need to highlight your sponsorship level.

  • 50 – Loon. Name Listing on our site
  • $100 – Osprey. Name and Logo on our site with link
  • $250 – Heron. Name and logo on our site with link and Facebook announcement
  • $500 and Up – Eagle. Name and logo on our site with link, Facebook announcement, and listing on posters and advertising. Use the “any amount” option on PayPal and enter the amount you wish to donate.

Thank you again!

Thank you!

Thank you for your donation.  We deeply appreciate you support.

If your donation has been made in honor of someone, the appropriate individuals will be notified.