Summer Sponsorships

We are looking for additional support for our annual summer programs. We are applying for a grant from NYSCA but will need additional funds to cover the complete cost. This amount covers a wide range of things, including artist fees, and boat transportation.

This year we will be hosting programs on Thursday evenings, during the months of July and August. We would be delighted if you would support us at one of the following levels:

  • $50 – Loon. Name Listing on our site
  • $100 – Osprey. Name and Logo on our site with link
  • $250 – Heron. Name and logo on our site with link and Facebook announcement
  • $500 and Up – Eagle. Name and logo on our site with link, Facebook announcement, and listing on posters and advertising. Use the “any amount” option on PayPal and enter the amount you wish to donate.

Once you have selected a level, please use the PayPal link to complete your sponsorship or you may send a check to:

Saint William’s Long Point
Post Office Box 71
Raquette Lake, NY 13436

Thank you for your generous support.  A list of our summer sponsors is available and updated regularly.